How We Work

The Indelable Way

We are a strategic communications consultancy headquartered in New York City, with an established presence in Washington, D.C. and the capability to serve our clients around the world. We apply decades of high-level communications expertise to the mission-critical challenges of businesses of all sizes, high-profile individuals, think tanks, and trade associations. 

Decades of experience

You get our best thinking applied to your strategic challenges based on our many years of experience working in global corporation C-suites, media and journalism, small business, trade associations, marketing, branding and PR. Whatever your challenge may be, odds are good we’ve faced it before — or something much like it.

While our work with you begins with our own in-house expertise, we seamlessly partner with your internal teams, other agencies, and contracted specialists as needed. We also bring in our own circle of trusted partners if warranted. We custom-build each client team to suit your needs and objectives.

We believe in extraordinary customer service and attention. We’re there when you need us, 24/7. We will take your challenges as our own. We won’t be satisfied until you get results.